do people really think Russia is still a communist country?
and is that because of some kind of organized effort to maintain that belief?
Yes, and yes. IMO- The information that we see has a limited exposure, its range of influence is a viewer. It's more the intent of the message, and to promote spread of that message that's important. Whether we call it propaganda or effective marketing doesn't matter. Its intended purpose is to create a movement to effect an outcome; influence. On a community scale it can be done without media. On a national scale a political machine would best be able to control the various departments of the organizaiton, including the media.
The rest is just us people being people. along with these people:
Unless they are just far-out accelerationists or something, like people who were excited about the orange nightmare being installed as POTUS here, b/c they thought it might finally push the population into open rebellion and bring on the People's Revolution and so on.
As far as the broadcaster, etal being in on it, nah. They're just doing their jobs. It's those in echo chambers carrying that targeted message, feeling bonded and motivated by it. There is no point in any discussion and victories have time limits and a very short shelf life
And finally,
how the fuck does anyone think current Russia is a communist country?
Beats me? These people think Senators show up at the Capitol wondering what they're going to do today with a lunch box under their arm.