... Your opinion comes from the court of others... those like John McAdams and Anthony Summers. It's usually based on arguments in support of the Warren Commission, which even a Congressional Committee tasked with it's conclusions pointed to it faults.
That opinion you quoted focused on an irrelevant issue to distract attention from physical evidence. That is using logical fallacy, which many here recognize straight out. You should know better, but you have no intention to know better.
IOW, ad hominem and other fallacies suggesting only 2 alternatives exist when talking about basic evidence of any conspiracy. In your world, to suggest (as most people do) that Oswald wasn't the lone gunman is shear lunacy, and so you produce the same group over and over of these "authors" who attack the the number of people who have investigated and presented evidence to say, "No, the Warren Commission was wrong", and that Garrison's trial against Clay Shaw was the first step in doing something about it. The fact is, there are researchers who have been devoting 50 years to meet to discuss this inside and outside the courts with evidence... real evidence that say in response to the lone gun theory of Oswald, "That dog doesn't hunt".
Here... Instead of cutting and pasting insults from people who sell books attacking the best District Attorney Orleans Parrish has probably had, and who DID his homework, and who was bugged by the FBI for doing his homework, I'll leave the actual readers of this thread (not those like yourself who don't need to find out that there IS a problem with conspiracy to explain Kennedy's assassin as outlined by the Warren Commission)... I will leave them to choose from the subject matter on the Kennedy assassination as was compiled by Lisa Pease, who is a historian about many unanswered and unsolved crimes - Linked below
And, remember what George Orwell penned in his famous, "1984"...
"Who controls the past controls the future;
...Who controls the present controls the past."