How in the world would I know your actual state of mind when you post here? All I know is that you complain over and over again when people attend a conference about the greatest unsolved crime when the greatest POTUS is gunned down. Then, you post about dicta belts.
Thanks for the explanation that you don't write SOPs. Since you seemed to say you respond to alerts that deal with them, I thought you had something to say about "creative speculation".
It's amazing that the assassination of JFK even belongs in "creative speculation", but if you're going to cry when the subject of a conference dealing with the assassination is discussed in GD, I have to join others in wondering if the subject of JFK could be anything BUT a conspiracy that is real. So, why the hell is it supposed to be posted in CS?
The assassination of JFK is a conspiracy reality. Who told you a conspiracy killed JFK? I did not. The murder is unsolved. These two things are not equivalent.
I attended one day of a conference where forensic realities were discussed, motives of foreign policy by truly recognized authors were brought to consider, and witnessed evidence and other facts were discussed in an inter-active format. The presenter were experts in the field of forensic science and had referenced historical fact. You should be interested in understanding in this as a screen writer, if not a "liberal". Many, many others continue to study and still probe their members of congress to re-open the JFK assassination case since I it is an unsolved murder.
But, you are willing to believe a lone gun theory. Now, THAT is a conspiracy theory...
Now, why is that? It's because so many persons willing to believe what cannot be proven by forensic science (then Junior Senator Arlen Specter single bullet "theory", which most Americans DO NOT believe. Also, evidence cannot demonstrate it). You are willing to BELIEVE that theory. You and others conspire to discredit anyone who talks about a conference offering best evidence practice. What irony! If you or any of the others who conspire the ignorant Specter THEORY did one minute of considering, you'd be forced to examine evidence. However, after being exposed to the facts and conclusions of the House Select Committee who were mandated by the American people DISGUSTED with the Warren Report, you choose to swallow that Specter THEORY hook, line and sinker.