Bonfire Night at the Patsy’s Club, Wherein I Learn the True History of Guido Fawkes [View all]
When we examine into the details supplied to us as to the progress of the affair, we find much of what the conspirators are said to have done is well-nigh incredible, while it is utterly impossible that if they really acted in the manner described, the public authorities should not have had full knowledge of their proceedingsJohn Gerard, What was the Gunpowder Plot? London, 1897
........... Even more absurd, the very house which contained the entrance to their tunnel, along with all the mining impedimenta that went with it, was not even private or exclusive to them, and had been set aside as a withdrawing room for the very Lords they intended blowing up. It is inconceivable that any of this really happened as described.They were all well known to the authorities as outspoken recusants, and the Kings intelligence department in those days was an even bigger nest of keyhole peeping snoops, sneaks, vipers and underwear-sniffing crooks than the one we have today. The country was awash with their spies and informers. No plot or intrigue ever escaped their attention, largely because they started most of them and like our own intelligence services today they were mighty proficient at discovering their own plots. Written records of the time show clearly that the plot had been known about and under observation for two years prior to its miraculous discovery. Fawkes and his crew, irrespective of what they had in mind, were being led in their endeavour with the precise intent of this marvellous dramatic last minute escape from doom, whereupon the King would be empowered to enact precisely the sort of legislation he had in mind all along, but now with the full support of the people. As the wags of the time had it, it was amazing how the plots against the king always seemed remarkably convenient in prompting him to do precisely what he wanted to do.
So what was the point then?
To blame the Jihadists, of course, said Lee.
Oh sorry, I meant Catholics. Wrong century. Silly me.