Muslims and Islamic people are generally/statistically anti-lbgt.
Even in the US where Muslims are far more accepting there is a very slight majority view opposed to
LGBT rights.
They even united to remove the pride flag in one Michigan city:
Does this mean that LGBTQ people should be opposed to Muslims rights and civil liberties?
Of course not!
But Bill Maher, who is a giant transphobe (just Google bill maher, transphobia) and misogynist, and the author of that article use the same logic to say just that.
This totally ignores that many of the Palestinians getting killed are themselves LGBTQ. It ignores that Israel blackmails lgbt people to spy for them or threaten to out them to their families. That same-sex marriage and trans rights really arent things in Israel. That one politician called himself a proud fascist homophobe. That in 2005 fundamentalist Jews, Muslims, and Christian united to rally against lgbt rights in Jerusalem?
Even worse, the article conflates opposition to the military action of Israel or support for the people of Palestine with support for Hammas which isnt true. It is bad faith argument at best and rainbow washing at worst. It is also arguably bigoted against lgbtq people suggesting that the only reason one of us would support a cause is if they support us first. It is also harmful to lgbtq rights on both sides. It makes Palestinian lgbtq people look duplicitous to other Palestinian people further solidifying lgbt opposition in the region while at the same time giving support to Israels right wing who want to curtail lgbt rights in general.
This is the view of multiple lgbtq people, groups, and advocates:
Ultimately I rather not have this conflict brought into the lgbt room AT ALL as right now we are facing the possible rise of the most hateful and bigoted Republican Party ever. A party who want to commit full out genocide of trans people and the revocation of all lgbt rights in general. A party who could possibly turn this country into an authoritarian hell hole via project 2025
Not is not the time to divide ourselves!