Trump pledged to roll back protections for transgender students. They're flooding crisis hotlines. (AP) [View all]
Trump pledged to roll back protections for transgender students. Theyre flooding crisis hotlines.
AP (on their own site)
Transgender youth in the United States have been flooding crisis hotlines since the election of Donald Trump, who made anti-transgender themes central to his campaign. Many teens worry about how their lives could change once he takes office.
During his presidential bid, Trump pledged to impose wide-ranging restrictions and roll back civil rights protections for transgender students. And his administration can swiftly start work on one major change: It can exclude transgender students from Title IX protections, which affect school policies on students use of pronouns, bathrooms and locker rooms.
One ad that aired over 15,000 times crystallized Trumps stance on rights for transgender and nonbinary Americans: Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.
For one Alabama teen, the ad seemed to paint transgender and nonbinary people as a threat to society. The weekend before Election Day, the 16-year-old teen, who identifies as nonbinary and uses the pronouns he and they, called a crisis hotline at the Rainbow Youth Project. The group that serves LGBTQ+ young people has received more than 5,500 calls to its crisis hotline in the past 10 days, up from the 3,700 calls it typically gets every month.
And the RW speaks of "Trump Derangement Syndrome".