We need a resources & info pin [View all]
It's clear those in the position of responsibility aren't taking responsibility to do the right thing. Today we and our allies were called maggots and that we should be squashed, all because it was pointed out an offensive term is offensive.
This is the sort of thing that does not belong on DU and excuses should not be accepted.
Juries and posters are going to pretend to be ignorant so they can avoid blame and responsibility. We need a post filled with information and resources that we can link to when we alert a post or even argue in our defense. For example, I just now alerted that maggot post and included a link to http://www.glaad.org/transgender so that the jury would have actual citable proof that "tranny" is not an appropriate word to use. I know it's likely to be ignored, but maybe it's inclusion will sway that one voter and provide a useful result.
So what do you say? Is there anyone who has amassed links that would be useful, not only in above situations, but also in situations where someone tries to shut our "poutrage" down with tired, already proven false arguments? I think it would also be useful to those new members of our community who need answers but may be too timid to ask a question.