He makes some valid points, but some perspective is missing.
Women are socialized to put caring for others above looking out for our own welfare. Men receive the opposite kind of socialization.
In many of the First Nations cultures of Turtle Island ( or America as it was dubbed by the invaders), the people are aware that women are the life givers and that unless strong training and guidelines are put into place, that men won't respect or appreciate that.
The Haudensaunee, who had a lot of interaction with our founding fathers say that the mistake that was made when our government was being formed, was that the women were excluded. In their society, women, the clan mothers, are in charge of picking out the kids who will be the future leaders. These women watch carefully to see which kids are most likely to help others, especially smaller children and the elders. Bullies are not honored nor chosen to lead.
A Lakota man that I knew, said that in the old days, although only men could speak in the counsel, only women could vote on who would represent them. And, the women had the power of life and death over their representatives. They would warn the man 3 times, but if he refused to change, they would go to the warrior society and have him killed. There was a lot more that he told me.
Please go listen to talks on YouTube by Orren Lyons of the Haudenosaune Confederacy. Also please listen to John Trudell on YouTube, especially the clip of a talk called The Christian World View. It will get you started on understanding what happened to the Tribes of Europe, and what kinds of atrocities were done to ' civilize ' us.
Patriarchal religions are a big part of the problem. Please read the book, The Chalice and The Blade by Rhiane Eisler. She also has a website that has books and classes on how to build a society based on partnership and equality.
We need a better model of masculinity and a more peaceful way of leadership. Power with, which is shared power, not power over, which is violence and injustice.
Abuse of our planet and her life support systems is a form of sexism and violence. What the patriarchy refuses to acknowledge is that Nature is the boss. She has a vastly longer time line than we do. If we fail to change, then humans will join the long line of extinct species and Earth will cleanse herself and go on without us.