In reply to the discussion: ‘Brave’ creator blasts Disney for ‘blatant sexism’ in princess makeover [View all]happyslug
(14,779 posts)Men and women are different. They bodies are different and so is their dress. It is NOT sexists for a Woman to want to be seen as a Woman instead of a man. It is sexist for woman to be displayed as sexual objects ONLY. The older version tries to show a woman AND her body in a way people would see it when she was working or hunting (and I do NOT mean for a man).
Woman look good to men, men are attracted to woman. That is not sexists, that is life. Is she showing leg? is she showing her breasts? (Yes you see her curves in the older version, but a woman with curves is NOT a woman in heat). The older version is a WOMAN, just being a WOMAN does not make her some sort of sexual object. The later version removes the Bow moves the lines of her dress, and makes her hair fluffier so instead of a woman, you have a woman in heat.
The older version clearly shows a woman who wants to be seen as a woman, but also be seen as someone involved in society other then as a sexual toy. Yes, this sounds like a fine line to draw, but it is often the difference between seeing a woman as someone you can count on in a time of crisis or a woman you can count on for a quickie.