In reply to the discussion: I would like to officially volunteer to be the host of this group. [View all]Violet_Crumble
(36,157 posts)Lest the conversation steer onto the argument of whether Muslim women are forced to wear coverings (Afghanistan under the Taliban, Saudi Arabia and Iran are some of the few countries that do - Turkey on the other hand bans them because of its strictly secular nature overriding all else), a few of us are trying to kick off the Islam/Muslim group as a bit of a come and ask questions/educational resource type thing...
You claimed in a post that there's things that gay women won't that straight women don't, and I still haven't seen you give a single example of where their interests would clash. Porn and prostitution? That's not something where opinions split neatly along some gay or straight lines. When it comes to discrimination against the LGBT community in the US, I've been appalled by what I've read at DU of what it's like there, and am failing to see why this would become a bone of contention in this group. But you need to acknowledge that calling women like me who've faced a lot of discrimination 'privileged' comes across as completely dismissive of any feminist who hasn't had exactly the same life as you and who doesn't fit into the same little categories you've created for yrself....
'while you seek equality in your marriage, i seek the rights to marriage. while pornification may be a big deal to you, it almost doesn't register as particularly important to me. porn, sex-work and visibility of queer women are places that i have most recently found huge difference with feminists in this particular forum.'
Who's 'you'? And again, porn and prostitution aren't issues that divide along gay and straight lines....