On DU it is customary to bash Christianity. But Islam is sacrosanct here. And until this post I had never seen anyone even mention the ultra orthodox Jewish problem.
Here's how I see it: you can believe any wacky ahit you want. But when your religion teaches people to control others and claim godly authority for it (like a priest saying, "If you have an abortion you'll burn in hell" or a Muslim telling his wife, "You must obey because that's in the Quran"
- big problem!
Of course all religions have historically been ways for some people (priests, kings, men) to grab power over others (laity, commoners, females).
Christianity in the west has developed a lot of liberal offshoots in which kids are pretty free to leave the church, and the doctrine is "eh, just try to be nice.". I have no problem with that because no one is being coerced.
Judaism in the last couple centuries has taken a sharp left turn into secularism and liberalism - even atheism! Reform and conservative Jews are a pretty easygoing bunch.
But the groups that are coercive and authoritarian and hard to escape (whoch in the US means orthodox Judiaism, fundamentalist Christianity, and Islam) are all the enemy of freedom and equality. In fact they exist to enforce nonfreedom and non-equality.
Down with religious coercion!