Strange cult and every group is a little different, but I always found this story very interesting.Five died and five survived.
For a long time, Esh wrestled with himself, tormented by the idea that he could somehow have saved his classmates. He still struggles with the memories.
There have been many mass shootings across America in the 10 years since the shooting in the tiny village of Nickel Mines, some with much higher death tolls. But the Amish school shooting still strikes a chord. The attacker preyed on the most innocent and defenseless members of a determinedly bucolic and pacifistic religious community. Within hours, the Amish announced they had forgiven him.
This week, families whose children were at the school that day held a special picnic to mark the 10-year anniversary. First responders also attended. On Sunday, Christ Stoltzfus will visit the grave of his daughter, Anna Mae, who was 12 years old when she died. She is buried in a local cemetery, with the other girls who were killed.
From the Guardian.
Worth reading, if like the study of Culture.