Soo similar to me. I was the eldest daughter. Born in 53, lil sister in 57. She later thanked me for breaking our parents in with my wild, dangerous rebellion in our staid suburb.
In 1975, babies born out of wedlock were still called "bastards" and their teen moms were called far worse. Families in conservative areas could lose business or be ostracized. Before 1973 I knew a few friends older sisters who either had a illicit abortion in the city. Or went to a home run by nuns, were told what sluts they were, took the baby and adopted it put. Both women had flat eyes and no joy left in their souls.
The boys? Often they never knew. Didn't much care.
I had an abortion in 1977, my sister 1974.
I was in college in Virginia and didn't know about hers til years later.
Our parents divorced in 1971 and it tore the family apart. My Dad got custody. 2 of us at college, baby sister at boarding school. She got preg, had to tell Dad, because she was a minor. He never argued or criticized. She said he was quiet but supportive. His daughters already went thru hell, he wanted to help. And I thought my folks would KILL me if I got preg. I underestimated them....turns out they had a shotgun wedding way back . We had a bunch of those during that era.
I wish I.could've been a hero to my sis like you. Sisters are so beautiful, now we are tight, bffs. We told each other shit noone else....and laugh til we almost pee our pants!
I ended having that abortion in 1977, and at age 43, gave birth to my daughter Kathleen. Unplanned but my greatest joy. My sis never had kids so she spoils niece! It's a beautiful thing, life is.
And sisters.