In reply to the discussion: Since I grew up in the 60s, I think the whole idea [View all]DonCoquixote
(13,676 posts)Just as I have mine, you have yours, but part of what I wanted to bring up is that, like all words, the meaning is more subjective than it appears. Some will love Paglia and Dworkin, some will HATE both, and then some will go "Eh, they are ok, but not as important as (insert name here.)"
Part of the reason I focus on the actual meaning is because, like all humans and all movements, people might bleed themselves to death over subjective detail, while ignoring objective facts that will build a harder consensus than what someone's faavortie author is.
a) Objective, demonstrated fact: Women are shafted into second class positions, by Heterosexual males who think they have a right to do that.
b) Objective, demonstrated fact: LGBT people are shafted into second class positions, by Heterosexual males who think they have a right to do that.
c) Objective, demonstrated fact: The Heterosexual males at the present moment have greater numbers and/or poltical influence.
Logical conseuqence of a, b & c: Whatever the disagreements between those who would defend the interests of Women and LGBT (Henceforth labeled "Feminists" and "LGBT activists", they should be prepared to focus on their true enemy, because, despite arguments, they have common interests.
No, I am not trying to be a "male feminist" (whatever that is supposd to mean.) I speak because frankly, I have common interests that go beyond dworking or anyone else, because those same males that hate women are the same people that hate brown skinned males, for the most part. Yes, sadly some brown skinned males have fallen for the misogynist, heterosexual crap that white executives have sold to them, and I am among the first to tell said brown males that they are being unwitting servants. Still, even though many people do not like me, I still know where myinterests are, and they are not with the vultures that circles over us while we fight. They have grown fate and strong off of us, and by that, I mean ALL OF US, because however different we may think we are, they see us all the same.