(Perry) Texas Women's Health Program Wants To Stop Doctors From Even Talking About Abortion [View all]
Texas Women's Health Program Wants To Stop Doctors From Even Talking About Abortion
July 11, 2012 5:29 PM EDT
Texas Gov. Rick Perry attempted to defund his state's Planned Parenthood clinics earlier this year by barring it and another "abortion affiliates" from receiving federal money under the Texas Women's Health Program (TWHP). After the policy effectively cut off half of the state's participating clinics from the program, the Obama administration announced it would end Medicaid funding for TWHP, which serves low-income women. Perry insisted the state would fund the program itself -- and on its own terms.
Clinics who receive funding from the Texas Women's Health Program will be barred from even discussing abortion with patients, under a proposed rule.
In Texas, that apparently means blocking funding for clinics with doctors who even talk about abortion.
In a letter sent to the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit this week, Texas' Department of Health and Human Services and Attorney General's Office made it clear that, in the state's new program, doctors would be banned from even discussing even the existence of abortion with their patients.
In the letter explaining the new rules, the state writes that it has expanded its funding ban from abortion affiliates -- abortion providers or clinics associated with providers -- to "promoters" and anyone affiliated with them.
more: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/362021/20120711/texas-women-s-health-doctors-banned-talking.htm