Epic Mansplainer Wonders Why Women Can’t Just Shut Up About the Gender Wage Gap Already [View all]
Katie J.M. Baker
Newsflash, ladies: you need to stop jabbering on about this so-called "gender wage gap" thingamajig. You're not being discriminated against; the totally inconsequential pay difference is, if anything, your fault for working less hours and being kinda flakey! Are you on your period or something? Calm down!
That's the TL;DR version of National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru's Bloomberg op-ed on how the gender wage gap (which he calls an "obsession" of feminist groups) is NBD. "Here's the truth you won't hear," Ponnuru writes. "The pay gap is exaggerated, discrimination doesn't drive it and it's not clear that government can eliminate it or should even try." Tell us more about how it's cool that we get paid less than our male peers, oh wise one!
Ponnuru's regurgitated talking points are nothing new: he says the gender wage gap is a result of how women choose to work fewer hours than men "choices made by women concerning the amount of time and energy to devote to a career," because when they're off work they're probably just painting their nails and watching Real Housewives and how they're more likely to "have gaps in their employment history and to enter lower-paying fields."