and I got all kinds of shit for it (how can you turn yourself into a cow like that???, etc). I breastfed them for 6 months (Daughter #1), 1 year (Daughter #2) and 18 months (Daughter #3)....
Everyone always feels like they have the right to tell other people how to parent and how they should be doing things. If you are a SAHM, people act like you are going to be fat and stupid and dull and never be able to talk to other adults. If you are a WOTHM, people act like you are abandoning your child.
If you breastfeed, you are turning yourself into a "cow", if you don't, you don't care about your baby. If you choose to have the baby with no drugs, you are a masochist. If you choose to give birth with drugs, you don't care about your baby.
If everyone would butt the fuck out of everyone else's lives, they would realize that no one is a bad mother for doing these things. Except in cases of abuse/neglect, the choices you make about your body and the children that come from that body (or even adopted ones) are your choices to make, without judgement from a bunch of other people who don't agree with you. "Liberation" was supposed to be about having choices about having children, not having children, staying home, not staying home, how they are birthed, how they are fed without having the other half look down on you because you just "aren't good enough".