Dealing with Sexual Harassment [View all]
At the workplace
Even when it is from your own family that lets it go on, know it went on, and you are still so needed...
...and your harasser is needed, even though he is diminished in standing.
In order to make the cogs turn.
I told my mother that if the man that grabbed my breast and rubbed his erection on me interfered while I was doing my computer technology work at the firm, I would shriek loudly, and break his nuts. He has no right to do that, especially when I am at the workplace my parents own. I will not put up with it, and I will not stay there for more than 30 minutes in any case.
Your own family sometimes puts profits over feelings and over people. You might know why, but it doesn't make you feel any less disgusted. What it does do is empower you that if your own family won't protect you, you pick up the biggest pipe you can find, and protect yourself.
My family owns an automotive business and I am going into the office to fix some computers. The next person that puts his erection on my body will have a concussion.