In reply to the discussion: Rest in peace Amanda. Bullied Teen Commits Suicide After Posting Last-Ditch Cry for Help on YouTube [View all]johnlucas
(1,250 posts)I actually touch on theories of how female sexuality was controlled & how homophobia may have formed in that separate thread I made for LadyHawkAZ. I touch on those very 2 issues you talk about.
Biology forms Identity. Identity forms Culture. Culture forms Politics.
I make a point that a biological difference created an identity which became a culture & political belief system.
I mention how gays' role in society may have been decided in 2 cultures.
The inclusive Two-Spirit view of some Native American cultures.
And the exclusive Abomination view of Puritan-based American culture.
I also mention the exalting Godly view of other cultures where gays are revered.
I use my Extinction Level Event example to show how the biological nature female pregnancy created an identity of protector from the males who were just laying around.
How this protector role evolved into a controlling role since protecting pregnant women from predators meant controlling the environment.
Then how men got consumed with this controlling role until women were devalued with their value only coming by proxy based on their biological function of delivering babies. It became a culture of controlling female sexuality.
Then come the political views that women were lesser than men.
My statements CAN be tested & I WANT them to be tested.
I don't expect people to just take my word for it.
I use an example of the biological nature of short people & tall people causes them to see the world in totally different ways.
Alright you hate my use of the word "know"?
Well then I'll say I have a VERY STRONG theory that this is true.
Read my thread & let's discuss it.
John Lucas