I think the motherhood mystique also leads to the competition women are almost forced to endure during pregnancy and childbirth. We are let to believe that you are superior if you have a vaginal delivery with no drugs, breastfeed on demand until 2 years old and never work outside the home. I've seen so many young women suffer through childbirth because "everyone else handles it" when everyone else really doesn't. If they did, there would be no such thing as an epidural.
This topic has been most on my mind because I'm pregnant with twins. I'm told that I shouldn't accept a c-section because they can "certainly" be delivered vaginally with no meds, even if they are both breech. Well, fuck that. I will get them out of my body whatever way results in them being the safest and me being the safest. If that happens to be a vaginal delivery, so be it. As far as breastfeeding, I'll certainly try, but I'm not going to kick myself and be forced to feel bad if I cannot produce enough milk for two babies.
My husband will be the primary caregiver after I go back to work... there is almost no support for stay at home fathers these days... as if they are bad men or something.
I'm an older pregnant woman - I think everyone at work assumed I was done with child bearing, but I can certainly tell the difference between when they thought I was done and now that I'm pregnant. I got the first 3 out of 5 rating this year in the 5 years I've been there. Every other year, I've gotten a 4 out of 5. I have no proof that it's because of the pregnancy.