Need some advice regarding apartment situation [View all]
I can provide more details if it will help, but the shortest possible version;
My (now former) suite mates assaulted my wife directly because of her disability. We were willing to walk away and just leave, but the apartment management told us that our only way off the lease would be to either file a complaint of disabled adult abuse with Adult Protective Services, or to pay them $1,200. We filed the case, and got a case number.
We presented the case number to management, and told them that as soon as we were told we were free to leave, we would make arrangements. The manager told us to begin getting ourselves out, and we told him that it would take us until the end of the month to fully get out.
When I have to use my walker or cane, its about a ten minute walk from management to our apartment. By the time I got back, I heard the suite mates shouting in their room. Fifteen minutes or so later, one of them literally kicked the door off the bottom hinge while screaming that she had just gotten the email from management, and how dare we claim that we had been abused. But the manager emailed the abuser to let her know that there was a complaint of abuse as soon as he found out.
We had to call a friend to get us, which meant we had to leave all of our furniture and most of our belongings behind. We're now living in a campground three hours away from the former apartment.
As soon as we got here, we contacted housing authority, and were told that we needed to contact a lawyer and pursue damages against the apartment complex. At this point, I realized that for all of my education, I am powerfully ignorant about the law, or how these processes work. We contacted two personal injury lawyers (whom I though were the correct to contact) and both of them gave me the number of a different lawyer to contact. Both of those lawyers turned out to be criminal defense lawyers.
I don't know if the first two calls were just misunderstood, or... I just dont know.
Even if the suite mates haven't disposed of or destroyed out property (I suspect they have) we're living in a situation where we can't have it anyway. But if it hadn't been for out apartment complex revealing the complaint, we would have had a truck arranged and storage for our furniture. Now it's a six hour round trip away and we're camping.
TLDR; Wife abused by suite mates. Made complaint to Adult Protective Services, showed complaint to apartment complex to get off lease, apartment complex immediately contacted suite mates and let them know about complain. This resulted in physical retaliation and the lose of most of our property.