I respect his opinion quite a lot since I've had him for about 20 years and used to have real bad periodontal disease. I think 3 surgeries + the root and planing thing about as many times. (Only the last surgery was under his care -- the last surgery was in 2000. Before that, I was seeing other periodontalists. I think part of the success since then was also me learning how to properly floss and use the proxy brush).
Since then he has done a couple of deep cleanings of a few teeth (the last in 2007), and since then not even that ... instead he applied a biopack (Arestin) in 2010 and in 2011. That's the last time we've had to do anything special.
I have my teeth cleaned quarterly (have been since the 1990's), and besides religiously flossing (1X a day) and brushing with a Sonicare (2X a day), I also use a couple of proxy brushes for the gaps -- doing all gaps both from the front side and then again from the back side.
When I got a new Sonicare about 3 years ago (3/2016), I didn't tell my hygienist. Instead, she said "wow what have you been doing differently?" and commented that the stains and pockets were much better. I told her about getting the new Sonicare (HX9160) five months before. (I have been using Sonicares for maybe 2 decades before that, so anyway it's nice that the technology is improving).
I did try a Water pic but didn't think it was doing that much additional for me. And after not that many uses the damn tip broke off and would cost I forget how much to replace it, so I didn't.