My life without sugar [View all]
To give some background, I'm a mid 40s white male with a desk job. I didn't struggle with my weight until I was about 30 years old. I've always been muscular, especially in the lower body, but I started storing fat in my 30s. I'm 5-11 and my weight has fluctuated between 230 and 250 most of the last decade.
My weight effects my health and that's the reason for wanting to lose some. I don't believe weight is the end all be all predictor of health, you can be very healthy and have and extra 40 pounds. My best friend is of roughly the same dimensions as me and he's a triathlete.
I've tried some diets with varying degrees of success, but I am more convinced than ever that sugar is responsible for the bulk of my health issues. So several weeks ago I cut it out. Not entirely, but I am closely monitoring my intake and trying to stay within the 25 grams a day that used to be what was recommended. I treat all sugars the same because the body processes all sugars the same. Sorry fruit lovers, while there is zero doubt an apple is better for you than a brownie, for my diet I am treating them as the same amount of sugar roughly.
6 weeks in now and it's a dramatic difference. Here are some of the things I am noticing:
1. My appetite is much much less. I believe sugar tricks you into being hungry when you are not. Without a high sugar diet I am more likely to eat less or even skip a meal if I'm not hungry.
2. Weight loss. Obviously I've seen some weight come off and the fat on my belly is shrinking almost daily.
3, Energy. I'm more active in the Summer anyway, so I timed this diet with that to maximize effect, but I am getting so much done on my house right now and not feeling as sore as I anticipated feeling.
4. Sleeping better. Falling asleep more easily and not waking up as often. Feeling more rested when I wake in the morning.
5. Concentration. I feel more able to concentrate at work and stay on task longer.
So far it's been pretty amazing. I cut out sweets altogether, but I basically eat what ever I want as long as I can count the grams of sugar in it. I try to keep it under 25 grams, but don't worry if I'm closer to 30 or 35 some days. I don't think most Americans have any idea how much added sugar they consume and what that does to their bodies. The agricultural lobby is powerful and healthier eating would cut their profits so they fight people having the knowledge they need to make better choices.
We're a culture addicted to sugar and dying from it and we don't even know it. Hope I can keep it up because this seems to have the potential to be life changing for me.