The importance of boosting our immune system to the very best it can be.... [View all]
with a good balanced diet and herbs and vitamins if needed and desired, and stay hydrated.
I think it's up to each individual to study this subject and make decisions based on your individual dietary environment, special health needs and the medications you take (some rob us of nutrients).
Regarding supplements, perhaps at a minimum if your situation allows (*) would be a quality multivitamin, a Vitamin C booster (or lots of citrus fruit) and a Vitamin D supplement. Your doctor or pharmacist should be willing to help make these decisions.
I also take a lot of herbal products for a number of health issues and for general health maintenance but won't mention any of those here because it can be quite controversial. In addition, those are best chosen by each individual based on his/her research.
There's tons of info on the web, but be sure to use those based at a respected university or hospital, or health research organization that's not trying to sell you something.
There's also thousands of good books available on preventative nutrition - all at your local library or on-line outlets like B&N or Amazon.
(cross-posted from GD)
(*) For example, I have a highly sensitive system to some nutritional supplements, many prescription drugs and some OTC medications. I wanted a controlled amount of Vitamin B12 to help my depression, but standard OTC capsules gave me way too much and made me hyper and sleepless. I found that a kid's chewable multivitamin contained the standard RDA for B!2, and each day I break one in half to get just enough.