About a year ago my blood work during my physical picked up some unusual levels. My ferritin level was very high. Thst lead to a liver ultrasound. Then a more focused scan (forgot the name) then an MRI.
An ultrasound is pretty cheap test but as I understand it, they are not great at definitively diagnosing the existence of fibroid tissue in the liver. My ultrasound showed possible fibroid tissue and fatty liver. Weeks later (appointment availability was impacted by the pandemic) the more focused scan found fatty liver but no fibroid tissue issue. Fibroid tissue can be an indicator of cirrhosis of the liver. The specialist was still concerned with the high ferritin levels and had me keeo my MRI appointment. In the months that it took to get all of these appointments I modified my diet and exercise habits and increased my water intake. The MRI confirmed that I had fatty liver but no fibroid issue and my blood work cane back nornsl.
I haven't really regulary drank slchol since my 20's-30'sbut did work with some industrial chemicals in my youth.so. the testing had ne worried.
The speciakust tecommends.that I keep up the healthy hahits and no alcohol.