Did the kids have fatty liver? Were they obese? What was their diet? Were they exposed to pesticides? Radiation? Drugs? Did the Russians beam radio waves at them - in Alabama? Did they eat poorly prepared blowfish? Did they download something from the Internet that was toxic? What is the race and cultural background of the children?
I can't speculate on the cause or what this could possibly be related to. But, this being DU and all, I'll sure as hell politicize it:
Many states mostly controlled by Republicans have stopped reporting Covid data to the CDC. We'll soon be lacking the hard data we need to guide public safety measures and push back on anti-vax and anti-mask people
The reporting of epidemiological data up the chain for government and scientists to study is crucial. We will all die without it.
If these liver cases are found to be due to Coronavirus, or lack of vaccine, or anything that tracks back to a conservative policy or public health ramification held dear by conservatives, then you can bet that reporting of liver failures in children will no longer be reported to public databases.
This is where conservatives worldwide are going right now - if the data indicts something they love or believe in, then stop collecting the data.