An uncouth shopper let loose with two loud, uncovered sneezes. I walked out of the store. [View all]
It is an ageless conflict between the obnoxious white entitled males and the rest of us. I am a white senior male who disdains arrogant white males who flaunt their unmasked virus-spreading behavior to the detriment of everyone else's health. This morning, such a brute was pushing a shopping cart down a hardware aisle with both hands while looking straight ahead. Without taking his hands off the cart handle or changing the position of his head, he let out a loud sneeze which he followed with a quick back-and-forth head shaking motion accompanied by a sound like that of horse snorting. I had been approaching him, but I immediately turned around and hooked into the adjacent aisle. Then I heard him let out another loud sneeze, whereupon I headed straight for the exit.
I am a fed up with the white male bully mentality. This unmannerly person was a large healthy-looking male who appeared to be in his forties. He was cleanly dressed. He wore a bright T-shirt with lettering, and he also wore a cap. There were other shoppers in his proximity. He did not care about anyone else's wellbeing.
I do not believe in mask mandates at the present time. I just wish that everyone in a public place would observe common sense and courtesy regarding instances in which respiratory virus spread is a risk.