Alcohol Is No Longer The Most Abused Drug by American Children [View all]
The youth of America are abusing booze less and weed more, according to a new study that looked at two decades of data on teens and school-aged children who wound up seeking medical care after taking various substances.
When it comes to weed in particular, the stats suggest the rise in availability of foods containing cannabis products has played a significant role, with average monthly call rates for edibles increasing more than those for other forms of marijuana use, like smoking
"Compared to smoking cannabis, which typically results in an immediate high, intoxication from edible forms of marijuana usually takes several hours, which may lead some individuals to consume greater amounts and experience unexpected and unpredictable highs."
Hard to pick just a few paragraphs to post, it's a good article with a lot of information packed in. It's a good news/bad news article, it's good to see more dangerous substances like alcohol and OTC medicines like cough syrup declining, but it's bad news in that kids are finding and experimenting with Mom and Dad's edibles stash. When they don't get high off a single square of candy, they eat the whole thing (YOU IDIOT) and end up getting taken to the ER because that much cannabis is really unpleasant. It's good news because it won't do any long term harm, unlike an alcohol, opiate, or OTC medication overdose that can be fatal if untreated.
Expect scare headlines from this one.