Note for those who want more clarification: my "R's" here mean congressional republicans and their media sycophants and enablers, whereas the "r's" refers to rank and file low-information republicans in the general public who lack skills or instincts for critical thinking and who inevitably default to FOX and various right wing politicalized nitwits in the private sector (evangelicals, for example) to do their "thinking" for them.
And as we who have been keeping up with this Covid-19 news are well aware, it may very well have been the higher death rate among unvaccinated groups (read r's) who put Democrats across America over the top in the 2022 midterms.
So, the law of unintended consequences strikes again, and this entire cycle of stupidity since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis in the US should rank pretty highly on the our old favorite Darwin Awards list (see
Much love to all, and Happy New Year DU'ers. And by the way, my handle on DU, Demnation, has many meanings, and in part it's why I like to comment on the hilarious exploits of today's "Christians" and evangelicals.