The Longest-Living People in the World Eat These 4 Anti-Inflammatory Spices Every Day. [View all]
'The five Blue Zones regions are known for being home to the longest-living people in the world. In these areas, people not only regularly live into the triple digits, but their brains and bodies are both still functioning well.
There are many lifestyle factors that Blue Zones founder, Dan Buettner, has found are shared by people in these regionsincluding low levels of stress, moving throughout the day, and having a sense of purpose. However, a significant amount of the research on longevity comes back to healthy dietary habits. The meals most frequently consumed in the Blue Zones arent loaded with processed ingredients or added sugars; rather, they consist of whole foods, particularly plants.
The anti-inflammatory nature of many of the foods most commonly consumed in the Blue Zones is a key part of longevity. Plus, this diet pattern can increase cognition, improve chronic conditions, increase energy, reduce or eliminate brain fog, and help mitigate symptoms associated with mood disorders, says Trista Best, MS, RD.
The Blue Zones meal regime crafted by Buettner's research involves steps such as reducing red meat intake, limiting refined sugars and processed foods, choosing whole ingredients for the majority of your meals, drinking lots of water, eating beans every day, and packing plenty of healthy herbs and spices into your dishes.'>>>