If a family member suddenly is sick and acts strange [View all]
Insist they get towed to the hospital.
On Sunday, after breakfast, someone suddenly felt lightheaded, could not get up on the bed, insisted on getting on the floor, then couldn't get to the bathroom in time.
Did I mention the heaves and vomiting?
After some of the mess was cleaned up, there was an alternating insistence on being helped to the living room, then the bathroom, then repeat, insisting on assistance with backside-down movement.
Eventually the person wedged themselves into the bathroom, kept insisting on assistance to sit up ((straining my back and wrist)) ((and an argument for more than one towel)).
Insisting on no medic help.
Finally, I refused to do any more that evening.
5 am, rinse and repeat.
Finally, acceptance that I could NOT do heavy lifting and so I called our area's finest, who managed to do close-quarters extrication.
Scans at the hospital showed brain bleeding, probably from an earlier fall. The person is now in the ICU.
Please keep this in mind as a possibility.
(NOT how I had planned to spend the last warmer day in a while...))