I abused my body in my youth (mostly 70's). Drank too much, did various drugs, and smoked a lot of weed. It really was all about SDNR. I got married in late 70's and became more serious about my job and health. Ran 5 miles every day for about decade and no drugs.
Fast forward...I retired early at age 52 and started walking about 6-8 miles every morning for about 15 years (in hindsight a bit too much) and started smoking weed again. I smoke weed everyday, normally at night before going to bed or if I become stressed or depressed about something domestic or otherwise. It helps me get a good night's sleep and good dreams. I only smoke at home, never let anyone know that I do smoke (I live in Texas). So much so that I don't really feel that high anymore just relaxed. Could be the homegrown? Don't really know.
Now at age 72, I'm guessing have smoked for about 30 years, maybe 25 regularly. I think my cardio is good? Good BP, etc. and no indication of issues so far. The only medication I am on is Glaucoma drops. That is not to say that I don't have an issue but none indicated that I know of (knock wood).
I don't discount scientific studies or empirical evidence. But my life experience so far does not support this. I say "so far" because "You never know what's coming to get ya!!" ☮
PS - I worry more about the nasty air and water we have here in Texas because of the love affair with fossil fuels.