It's up for debate whether it has any extra benefits that you can't get from regular calorie counting but there is some evidence it improves the matabolic system and prevents diabeties amung other things. For me it's the best way for me to lose weight as having set times when I can and can't eat works a lot better than calorie counting and becaues I have only a 7 hour period when I can eat, I tend to eat less. I'm personally skeptical that such a short amount of fasting can do much extra good but longer fasting periods from time to time have very solid science behind them because they induce autophagy.
All the interest in fasting recently probably comes from this research:,in%20a%20simple%20organism%E2%80%94baker's
Dr. Sinclair is a big proponent of Intermittent Fasting and is the leading scientist on how to slow aging. I think the research is pretty thin right now if intermittent fasting helps people live longer but it seems most of the top scientists in the field believe in it. We won't know until we end up seeing how long all these new fasters live. LOL :