I am my moms sole caretaker due to this disease. Compared to how I realize the end will be, I know at this point Im still in the easy stage. It is a 24/7 commitment. I built an apartment onto my house and at first it was just routine building and creating a safe environment, doing meds, food, clothing, etc. I could still spend time on my side of the house, have company, go out occasionally. Then that was impossible. I was with her from the time she woke up until she was asleep. Then nights became the hardest time. Now I sleep over there. Sometimes with her in her bed if Im afraid she might wander. Looking at it like Im now the mom, Id say shes in the 3 year old range now. A few days ago she thought I was my sister. My heart was crushed but you cant show it. Just yesterday I got her on the first of several medical options for treatment.
Thank you for this. Ive lost most of my time for reading and research.
You have given me hope. I feel like Im drowning and you have thrown me a life raft to cling to. And right now, that is everything. ❤️
(Sorry for the long post. Now Im crying.)