Fish Oil Supplement Claims Don't Match The Science, Study; Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Heart Health [View all]
'Marketers overstate fish oil claims for heart health, study shows,' Washington Post, Aug. 23, 2023. ♥️
- While a diet rich in seafood can lower risk of heart disease, studies havent shown the same benefit from fish oil supplements
Most research shows that over-the-counter fish oil supplements dont offer cardiovascular benefits, but that hasnt stopped marketers from touting them for heart health, a new study shows. The sale of fish oil supplements is a multibillion-dollar industry, and many people take fish oil capsules daily, believing the omega-3 fatty acids they contain are good for their overall health, particularly for their heart.
While its true people who eat seafood regularly are less likely to die of heart disease, studies have not shown that taking fish oil as a supplement offers the same benefit. Even so, fish oil marketers continue to make health claims that imply a wide range of benefits, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Cardiology.
The researchers analyzed labels from more than 2,000 fish oil supplements that made health claims. They found more than 80 percent used what is known as a structure and function claim, which is a general description that describes the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the body such as promotes heart health or supports heart, mind and mood. Cardiovascular health claims, which accounted for 62 percent, were most common.
Fish oil contains two omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, found naturally in fatty fish such as salmon. Higher levels of these omega-3s have been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but the observational findings are based on omega-3 levels in the diet, not from supplement use, some experts say. In fact, two recent large clinical trials showed that over-the-counter fish oil supplements do not improve cardiovascular outcomes...