Mouse Study Reveals Unexpected Connection Between Menthol And Alzheimer's [View all]
It's mice. OK? It's just mice. We know that. I still think it's of interest:
04 October 2023
A recent study reports something strange: When mice with Alzheimer's disease inhale menthol, their cognitive abilities improve. It seems the chemical compound can stop some of the damage done to the brain that's usually associated with the disease.
In particular, researchers noticed a reduction in the interleukin-1-beta (IL-1 β ) protein, which helps to regulate the body's inflammatory response a response that can offer natural protection but one that leads to harm when it's not controlled properly.
The team behind the study, which was published in April 2023, says it shows the potential for particular smells to be used as therapies for Alzheimer's. If we can figure out which odors cause which brain and immune system responses, we can harness them to improve health.
Diagram of how it works can be seen at this link:
" target="_blank">Smell diagram
Scientists looked at how smell affected memory. (Casares et al., Frontiers in Immunology, 2023)
"We have focused on the olfactory system's role in the immune and central nervous systems, and we have confirmed that menthol is an immunostimulatory odor in animal models," says immunologist Juan José Lasarte from the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) in Spain.
Link to ScienceAlert article.
Mint is so invasive that it has grown up through the boards in the greenhouse. I took this picture from the outside:
Remember how we boomers used to run around with a baggie of "herb" when we were in our youth? LOL. Redux: just a different herb.