Structured exercise interventions led to improvements in mild to moderate mental health problems in adolescents [View all]
Wellness Check: Exercise
by Ashley Jackson - November 9, 2023 in Wellness
Reading Time: 5 mins read
Structured exercise interventions led to improvements in mild to moderate mental health problems in adolescents
1. In this systematic review, adolescents (aged 10-19 years) showed clinical improvements in mild to moderate anxiety and depression in response to structured exercise.
2. Furthermore, the self-selected intensity of the structured exercise intervention impacted the enjoyment and commitment of individuals.
Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good)
Many adolescents worldwide suffer from mental health disorders, including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Current treatments, which include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, and other psychosocial therapies, are associated with challenges regarding adherence and lack of efficacy. Although the exploration of alternative treatments such as exercise has been growing, there are a limited number of studies that have investigated the therapeutic effects of structured adult-led exercise interventions. This systematic review aimed to identify any benefit structured exercise provides to adolescents with mild to moderate mental health issues.
Structured exercise interventions led to improvements in mild to moderate mental health problems in adolescents