day I see at least one Boomer Hate article in my news feed and scanning, particularly in the financial media:
Boomers are draining Soc. Sec. so that nothing will be left for younger generations, Boomers got free college and homes, Boomers didn't stop fossil fuel use and climate change.
All to divide people, but not explaining why younger people were shorted on college tuition, home ownership, jobs and wages, etc. Namely due to Reagan & Co. with Free Market economic policies, union busting, globalization, deindustrialization and more. The Gipper took down the solar panels in the WH that Carter had installed practically on Day 1 of his admin. He and the GOP bonded with Big Oil.
On DeSantis, I remember articles about him promoting the first Covid vaccines to people in affluent communities and areas (his supporters) that he visited. Self serving #!@$ I agree that he and his close ones are very likely vaxxed.
ETA, This Boomer didn't vote for Reagan- Bush in 80 or 84. Dutch's win in 1980 stunned me so much I was in daze for weeks. I could not believe that Americans voted for the B- grade H.wood actor ( who used make up and hair dye - 3 colors, while POTUS).