Another question for the dentists and anyone else. I had a root canal [View all]
about 3 weeks ago in a back molar on the right side of my upper jaw and he used some "Gentle wave" procedure. 4 days after that a 3 tooth bridge also on the top became loose and then fell out. Then a cap on the other side of my front teeth fell out. Then one of the caps on my front teeth crumbled and is now hanging there with some silver showing that was behind the porcelain.
I went to the dentist and after x-rays he told me I had 2 more cavities right above the caps to the left of my front 2 teeth and my bones were not good, (probably because I have bad arthritis)
But I cannot stop thinking that the "Gentle wave" thing started all this even though I realize that my teeth are really bad, (that is why most of them have been caped). I keep wondering if that "Wave" loosened the caps; my actual teeth have not fallen out.
I know it does not matter much now. I am getting an entire reconstruction on the top and the cost, (which I already posted here is, "No more than $37,000" said the Prosthodontist who knew I HAD to have this done). And in the mean time I am walking around with horrible looking teeth to the point that I am wearing a mask everywhere.
The gentle wave is supposed to be a sonic wave from what I understand and it is supposed to get all the bacteria in the tooth out from the root canal. Of course it doesn't matter a damn bit now because that tooth will be pulled out also!
Life is a damn riot sometimes.