Fat positivity won't kill you but being fat might. [View all]
Obesity is now a Civil rights issue, with fat activists demanding acceptance for fat people. That seems fine. Nobody should experience discrimination because of body shape or size. But the "fat movement" is also trying to convince people that being fat, even enormously fat, is perfectly healthy. I have seen videos of very large women, stuffed into too-small yoga pants, dancing and testifying that they look hot and feel healthy. This wouldn't bother me except I get the feeling it convinces some people to embrace their fatness and maybe even adopt overeating and sedentary life as positive lifestyle choices. We have some popular influencers telling us that refusing to eat healthy and shunning exercise is an act of rebellion, a roar of defiance to the patriarchy that demands skinny women. And men, I guess. It's little confusing, but several fat advocates have died at relatively young ages. Did they dude themselves? And perhaps their followers?