In reply to the discussion: How do you know when it's time for your spouse who has dementia, to be [View all]HighFired49
(392 posts)but my spouse is at home. If you don't mind my asking, how did your husband get to be in the care facility? I'm trying to figure out how to get my spouse into a care facility without her cooperation. She will not go willingly. I just can't take care of her 24 hrs. a day, cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the dogs, and keep up the yard at 74 yrs. old. My spouse has no memory, either short or long term, and can't help around the house. She gets very agitated when someone, other than the two of us, is in the house. My doctor has suggested, at minimum, getting her into a day care facility a couple of days a week, which would leave me free to do things I want/need to during the day, or just rest. She wouldn't have to go every day, but at this point she refuses to go even for a day. At this point, it just may have to be a 24hr. care facility.
One of the most concerning things that my doctor brought up is my inability to lift her when she falls, or get her in and out of the car, etc. (I have severe arthritis.) I've already had to call an ambulance twice in the last two months to get her up and take her to the hospital because of minor injuries from falling. Doc says that her falls will become more frequent, and she sometimes becomes combative when I try to pick her up, dress her, or help her move from one place to another. I suppose that you have to make your decision based on how exhausting it is to take care of your spouse. I know it's exhausting, especially when it's an all day every day situation. If you do bring him home, you might try in-home care help. But, if you place him in a facility nearby, you can go see him as often as you like. The care facility basically just takes on all of the exhausting work. Keep in mind that what ever happens, you have to take care of yourself. Try talking to your doctor about your situation, and tell him/her everything about your physical abilities, mental state, and monetary and family situation. i hope everything goes a well as it can for you. I know that it's a very difficult situation. Good luck.