Why one New York health system stopped suing its patients [View all]
Why one New York health system stopped suing its patients
Noam Levey
May 14, 2024
Heard on: Marketplace Morning Report
Theyre scared. Theyre nervous. Theyre upset, said Mungenast, who on one recent call worked with an older patient to settle a $143 bill. They do think, I dont want this to affect my credit rating. I dont want you to come take my house.
At Rochester Regional Health, that wont happen. The nonprofit system in upstate New York is one of only a few nationally that bar all aggressive collection activities. Patients who dont pay wont be taken to court. Their wages wont be garnished. They wont end up with liens on their homes or be denied care. And unpaid bills wont sink their credit scores.
American hospital officials often insist that lawsuits and other aggressive collections though unsavory are necessary to protect health systems finances and deter freeloading.
But at Rochester Regional, ditching these collection tactics hasnt hurt the bottom line, said Jennifer Eslinger, chief operating officer. The system has even been able to move staff out of its collections department as it spends less to go after patients who havent paid.