I have Lyme disease. [View all]
I think it is what is referred to long term Lyme disease. I first got it in about 2004 and did the antibiotic treatment. I didn't feel bad or anything just had the circular rash. A couple of years later I had a lot of swelling in the glands on my face and they couldn't find a reason why. I did multiple blood tests and 2 MRI's that cost me about a grand each. Was referred to a doctor that thought I had Sjogren's disease but couldn't tell for sure. Moved up north and a couple of years later my gland swelled up bad, went to doc and they went through pretty much the same thing and couldn't find anything and gave me antibiotics again and it knocked it out. Fast forward and for the past 2 years I have had joint pain in my entire body that knocks me out for at least a day if not for a couple of days. Tons of test and still nothing. I've told my docs that I had Lyme disease before but they still couldn't find anything. Was out of work for a week and went back to doc and they still couldn't find anything, told them again about Lyme disease previously and they decided to test for it. Apparently they haven't been. Came up positive. They gave me antibiotics again and vitamin D. Doc said they were super surprised I had it and that it was the first they have seen in this area. The antibiotics make my stomach sick and I have still had about 4 days that I am stuck in bed with the joint pain and have no appetite. I recently saw on MSNBC about long term Lyme disease and pretty much everything they said made me go "That is me". Kinda crazy and it sucks tons. Anyways watch the video, I will embed it below also. Thanks for listening.
Here is a documentary about it.