if it weren't for the vaccine. I had a high fever for an entire week, was flat on my back for two weeks, and still sick enough to not go out at the 4 week mark. When I got it again in July, I had the same symptoms, just truncated. I was much better after 1 week though I still had some lingering nasal drip for almost 3 weeks. A netti pot helped immensely, and with both bouts my doc had me on antibiotics to treat what was likely a secondary infection. My doc was mostly concerned about my getting long Covid since the risk of that increases with each infection. My pharmacist said the guidelines she was pulling up recommended waiting at least 28 days from onset of symptoms before getting the vaccine
but that's not what the current CDC guidelines say, and my husband's pharmacist said you just shouldn't be sick when you get it. Definitely see what your doctor recommends. I'm in Florida where it's really bad, so I had to take that into consideration too. The brain speed thing is a bitch. Oh, I also had hair loss with the 2nd round. Good times! Keep taking it slow and don't get too discouraged...you'll get it all back. 🙂