and didn't even get the four days. I got two. My daughter, who only weighed 3lb 3oz at birth, stayed behind in the neo-natal ward. I had preeclampsia and other issues the entire time I was pregnant. From the very first, I knew it was gonna be trouble. They didn't even have the right blood type for me! They had me as A+, and I knew I was O-. I brought that issue up right away, and they actually listed and did a blood typing on me... Definitely can make a difference! My daughter got excellent care; she wouldn't be here otherwise. Me... I could have used a bit more, IMNSHO. When I told the docs at the clinic that she stopped kicking at 7 months, I couldn't get anyone to listen to me. I had to raise holy hell... and then, because you never saw the same doctor twice, each doc had me repeating the same tests the doc from the prior two weeks had already given me!
I hadn't had any BP problems prior to getting pregnant, and it wasn't until Trump was given the presidency that my BP rose and stayed high enough to require meds. I'm still on them today...