Damn it all to hell! [View all]
I just found out that my niece, 5 1/2 months pregnant, has been doing
cocaine and drinking hard alcohol during her pregnancy.
WTF????????? Is wrong with people?
My sister ran into her in a shit hole scum bar, HIGH as a kite.
Her new husband confessed to my sister what had been going on.
In them mean time, my parents, 82 yo, have been paying for her OB/GYN
bills, while she KILLS her baby.
My dad just lost his brother-
They are so naive and trusting...
I told my Mom tonight- "If her lips are moving, she is LYING"
because that has been my experience with addicts.
She told my parents, after all this came out on Sunday,
that she had met with a "counselor" from her husband's insurance
plan who told her, ""Not a problem, the cocaine and alcohol use..."
Who wants to bet who the LIAR is here?
I told my parents, who are taking her to the doctor tomorrow that
they need to tell him EVERYTHiNG, in case there is something he can do
to help the baby for the remainder of the pregnancy...
Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated...