In an attempt to help with the stigma issues, I typically refer to MMJ as CBD lately (or just 'weed' to people I know are on board). Ironically, I've found lately that people hear CBD and know what that means. The power of CNN in low-information country, I guess.
I do not know the THC/CBD makeup of what I have been using for the pain - and it DOES get me high, so I only smoke at night after work. During the day, I just take deep breaths and power through it.
All I can tell you after a bilateral mastectomy (breast cancer) is that I am one of the rare patients that suffers from phantom pain. That is the nerves going hot and electric because the brain is telling them to connect to something that isn't there anymore. It is common in amputations, but according to my surgeon, only 1 in ~25 breast cancer patients. Nothing (and I mean nothing) else helped. One day in January, I took 3x my prescribed Oxy just to see if my dose was too low and it didn't make a dent in what felt like someone was tazering my chest from the inside out. 3 hits of weed and the hot shocks just STOP.
Its crazy, I know. I am in my 40s and haven't smoked for almost 20 years. It works and a great benefit is that I can sleep through the night pain free.
As for your access - have you tried contacting your state Rep (assuming he is on board)? Maybe all you need is a consult with your medical records in hand. I had loss of appetite from pain, but not nausea - and have heard amazing stories here in my own community about how the chemo-induced nausea/loss of appetite combination are completely eradicated by MMJ. Truly - this was the only thing that would help me to even eat some days. I can't imagine nausea on top of just not wanting food.
I'll keep you in my thoughts for a safe and comfortable journey through this phase of your treatment.