I was told it would end and it didn't. I have to be careful or I will burn my hands and I never, ever go barefoot. I was the barefoot queen. I have cut my hands and not known it. To this day I will wake up bruised and then when I think about it I will remember that I ran into something or was bumped. Many times it takes a couple of days for something to start to hurt and then it makes up for lost time.
I was tested for it and the doctor was surprised at how far the pin could go in before I would feel it. Every few months I have to go in for a foot exam because the diabetes has never gone away and my doctor fusses about my feet because of the lack of feeling. Last time I went the instrument he used was all the way to my knees.
I am not diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy. I have Idiopathic neuropathy which is a fancy way to say they don't know what caused it. It has gotten worse over the years and some times it hurts like hell. It doesn't make a lot of sense because it is supposed to be your nerve endings dying. Some people use ice to help with the burning that comes with it. I can't use it because cold makes it much worse for me.
None of the medication they give you for neuropathy helped me nor I don't know anyone it has. They used to love to give neurontin which is just awful. I guess there is a new one out now but I just plug along.
It will be years before the medical community will admit that chemo can cause neuropathy. It took them years before they admitted that some people suffer chemo crazies forever. Chemo crazies mean that you memory goes away and sometimes you just have problems thinking.
You will have to push for testing. I would start a journal and write down everything that you are feeling or not feeling.