I am severely hearing-impaired. I wear high-end hearing aids when I interact with other [View all]
people, watch TV (even with closed captioning), or go to a movie, but I never wear them unless I am doing something that requires me to hear. (I enjoy the peace and quiet, and I hate to have aids in all the time because they are physically annoying.)
I have a landline in my living room, and that is the only phone jack I have in the apartment.
I cannot hear my phone ring unless I am right next to it, but I am busy, so I cannot spend all my time hanging around right by my phone. I miss sooooo many calls!
Do any of you know of an alerter--flashing lights or loud ringing or, preferably, both--that I could have in the other rooms of the apartment to let me know when the phone is ringing? It would need to be something that would not require being hooked into the phone jack, since I would need for it to be in the other room where I can see/hear it when I am not in the living room.
I would, if necessary, go as high as about $100, but I would very much prefer to stay under $100--as far under it as possible!
I am hoping that maybe there is some sort of device that would use bluetooth or that could be hooked to a regular wall outlet without having to be attached to the landline phone/phone outlet, which wouldn't solve the problem, since I would still not hear or see it from the other rooms.
BTW, my deaf/HoH site:
I'm Listening as Hard as I Can!