im sharing a post from my fb page, where ppl know me. im not sure how many blanks there r here for folks who dont know my trials and tribulations w this body. feel free to ask.
well, i got a new fitbit. have had a couple, mostly to keep an eye on my shitty sleep.
but at this point if i dont pay more attention to my health, im old and decrepit in no time. and for good. ugh. ive stayed away from the medical/industrial complex the last couple years. had some bad interactions early in the plague.
strangely, both of the docs that i had issues w abruptly retired. so i dont have to go through the whole switching thing. my pcp had another doc in the practice that i liked.
was interested to see that many of the rheumies they have now mention shogrens as a focus, which is a totally new thing.
it took me almost 20 yrs to get a doctor to give me a name for the thing that has subtly fd up my life, esp in the last 20 yrs. but rly going all the way back.
maybe these days they do more than treat the symptoms and pat u on the head.
ive put a whole lot of things in the- after i fix the money thing- basket. my health is the biggest thing in it. all else rests on that.
ive been pretty good about daily yoga for a while now. at the point where it is energizing instead of exhausting, which is HUGE. i used to have to find time not only to do it, but to take a nap after. my balance is good these days, too, which just makes me happy. and safer.
a course of hi-dose edibles in 2019 cleared out most of the leftover brain glitches from a childhood head injury. so a lot of things that have always been slightly off in my neuro function are gone. the worst of those was subtle muscle cramps. caused a lot of pain, esp post exercise, but just gone.
so i feel like i finally have a chance to get fit. the only symptom of fibro i have these days is the fatigue. almost zero pain these days, and no blowback from exercise. its amazing how much cramped feet can f up a yoga routine, but trust me, it does. i still get a tiny bit of cramping now and then, but nothing a light shift in position doesnt relieve. i dont trip over my own feet anymore. used to do it at least a couple times of year, all my life. havent done it in 3 yrs.
i thought a little moral support would help. so, hi all.
ill let u know how it goes.